We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was almost 100 degrees in Portland that weekend but was very nice at the beach. Clear warm weather with just a bit of a breeze. Perfect burning yourself to a crisp in the sun weather. Bathing in sunblock didn't help that weekend but we all had fun. One bit of excitement was when I was running fast up the face and felt myself getting soaked. Once I figured out it was gasoline I was out of that car faster than anything wondering if I was going to become a bonfire. I blew a high pressure fuel line and it sprayed everywhere but not enough to catch fire. I was happy about that. Mike had to have his hooker barbie doing the pole dancing on his flag pole. I kept teasing him about playing with dolls.
Matt had his torsion housing almost rip out completely. He was able to cobble together a patch that will probably turn out to be permanent.
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